Side Note: I didn't really do a write-up other than a README.MD in my GitHub repository. Since the URL for Oct 2024 challenge is not valid anymore, I will try to recall my thought process.
I saw this e-mail from CSIT about a new challenge.. I thought I would give it a try.

Task 1: Program 1
Important!: There is a rate limit in place for downloading data, requiring a 10-second wait between each request.
Download the dataset from Victor's server and discard any broken records.
Key | Type | Description |
id | integer | Identifier of the restaurant |
restaurant_name | string (alphabets and spaces only) | Name of the restaurant |
rating | float (range: 1.00 to 10.00) | Rating of the restaurant |
distance_from_me | float (range: 10.00 to 1000.00) | Distance from me to the restaurant |
Save the resulting cleaned dataset to a JSON file named validated_dataset.json.
Task 2: Program 2
Write an algorithm to sort the cleaned data from program 1 according to the following criteria, in order of priority:
- Score (Sort in descending order)
- Rating (Sort in descending order)
- Distance (Sort in descending order)
- Restaurant name (Sort alphabetically in ascending order)
Calculate the score for each restaurant, using the formula below:
score = (rating x 10 - distance x 0.5 + sin(id) x 2) x 100 + 0.5
final_score = round(score / 100, 2)
Ensure to round the score to 2 decimal places.
Select the top 10 entries and save it to a JSON file named topk_results.json. The output of the JSON file should be in the following structure.
"id": 1,
"restaurant_name": "The Great Restaurant",
"rating": 9.94,
"distance_from_me": 150.31,
"score": 94.53
"id": 2,
"restaurant_name": "Cuisine Delight",
"rating": 9.20,
"distance_from_me": 120.00,
"score": 91.25
"id": 3,
"restaurant_name": "The Amazing Eatery",
"rating": 8.76,
"distance_from_me": 200.45,
"score": 89.10
// There should be 10 restaurant entries in total.
The sorting algorithm needs to follow the following requirements:
The expected time and space complexity for this program are as follows:
- Time complexity: O(N log K)
- Space complexity: O(K)
Where K = 10 and N is an integer within the range [1...5,000,000].
Thus, the way to do it will be to use a heap sort with min-heap.
Link to GitHub Repository
Link to Docker Hub Repository
Docker Hub: Repository - alexlogy/csit-mini-challenge-oct-2024
Program 1
POST /test/check-data-validation
Post Body: validated_dataset.json
"id": 1,
"restaurant_name": "Delectable Riley Elsinore Spot",
"rating": 1.28,
"distance_from_me": 340.26
"id": 4,
"restaurant_name": "Briny Dorcas Neverland Place",
"rating": 2.01,
"distance_from_me": 663.46
"id": 6,
"restaurant_name": "Fresh Rachel Xanadu Bar",
"rating": 1.03,
"distance_from_me": 659.4
"id": 7,
"restaurant_name": "Buttery Eunice Bandle City Corner",
"rating": 8.68,
"distance_from_me": 270.48
Result: Success
"status": 200,
"error": "",
"message": "Success!"
Program 2
POST /test/check-topk-sort
POST Body: Final sorted dataset
"data": [
"id": 7353,
"restaurant_name": "Buttery Anna Bilgewater Inn",
"rating": 9.97,
"distance_from_me": 11.94,
"score": 95.72
"id": 92698,
"restaurant_name": "Sour Logan Noxus Joint",
"rating": 9.79,
"distance_from_me": 11.61,
"score": 93.75
"id": 11619,
"restaurant_name": "Fresh Gideon Brigadoon Shed",
"rating": 9.92,
"distance_from_me": 14.95,
"score": 93.7
"id": 26587,
"restaurant_name": "Succulent Rebecca Thedas Inn",
"rating": 9.93,
"distance_from_me": 13.24,
"score": 93.27
"id": 50701,
"restaurant_name": "Bland Tryphena Summerset Stand",
"rating": 9.72,
"distance_from_me": 13.9,
"score": 92.09
"id": 65446,
"restaurant_name": "Lively Joel Gotham City Shop",
"rating": 9.77,
"distance_from_me": 12.73,
"score": 92.01
"id": 77962,
"restaurant_name": "Bitter Amelia Kalimdor Shop",
"rating": 9.71,
"distance_from_me": 11.41,
"score": 91.87
"id": 22658,
"restaurant_name": "Creamy Elijah Oz Depot",
"rating": 9.92,
"distance_from_me": 18.43,
"score": 91.47
"id": 59126,
"restaurant_name": "Refreshing David Pandaria Spot",
"rating": 9.76,
"distance_from_me": 16.18,
"score": 91.4
"id": 68733,
"restaurant_name": "Gourmet Tryphosa Dalaran Cantina",
"rating": 9.73,
"distance_from_me": 17.14,
"score": 90.62
Result: Success
"status": 200,
"error": "",
"message": "Success! Results matched"
Submission Result
Submission Result
