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a cloud infrastructure manager who is fascinated with devops philosophies

1 min read

How to speed up your Java development time with Lombok

I believe for every Object-oriented programming (OOP) language, the chore of creating your accessor/mutator (also known as getters/setters) methods for every class that you declared is dreaded by every developer. public class FooBar { private...

1 min read

How to install Cluster Autoscaler in AWS EKS?

A good start is to follow AWS documentations ( Pre-requisites * eksctl ( * Metrics Server ( Create IAM Policy Save the...

How to install metrics server in AWS EKS?

The Kubernetes Metrics Server ( is not deployed by default in AWS EKS clusters. However, we will need it for our Cluster Autoscaler, Horizontal Pod Autoscaler, Kubernetes...

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